Animal kingdom

So one of the first things you should pay attention to in a tour is fauna of Kyrgyzstan. Guests can see that it is also rich and unforgettable. Anyway being here you will have a desire to see something more for the aims of having better memories.

Usually our guests travel here by renting a car like Lexus LX470, so that all of the altitudes to be covered. And at any altitude of Kyrgyzstan mountains you will see various animals.

As usual at the height of 3,400 and 3,800 m live marmots, mountain voles and field voles, and then close to them we can notice brown bears, hares, wild rams, and mountain goats. Choice of animals change with the altitudes going higher. So at great heights of a tour we can notice birds like alpine choughs, red-bellied redstarts, rock pigeons, partridges, golden eagles, falcons, hawks, and buzzards and bullfinches.

There are rare animals which are in the Red Book. And they can be met as guests travel in the middle of the mountain life - Marco Polo sheep, red deer, lynx, and snow leopards. They are on edge of disappearance, and must be protected.

renting a car, tour, fauna, Kyrgyzstan, travel, Animal kingdom.